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Thank God It's Monday--Radical FavorViews: 996
Feb 05, 2007 4:55 pmThank God It's Monday--Radical Favor#

Jack Weinzierl
TGIM February 5, 2007 by Jack Weinzierl

If there are any Indianapolis Colts fans reading this, congratulations. Having grown up in Chicago most of my life, it would have been nice if they would have showed up for the game after the initial kickoff, but the better team won yesterday. Most importantly, both coaches not only made history as African American coaches, they both give the Glory and were boldly proclaiming their faith in Jesus Christ. What a witness that I have no doubt impacted millions of lives yesterday.

Radical Favor and Getting Into Position to Receive

I spent 9 hours in Duncanville, Texas Saturday at a conference called Releasing the Joseph Factor in your business. How many know that Joseph had some radical Favor? How many of you could use some radical favor in your businesses? Where people just come into your business and simply have no idea why they are doing business with you; they are compelled to do so. We can walk in that radical favor. Favor is not “me” focused, it is for His Glory. Everything you do is an opportunity to give Glory to Him.

The World needs to see you and say, what business are you in? What do you do?

Dear Heavenly Father,
I pray for each person here this morning, Holy Spirit be our guide, speak to us this morning, open our eyes, open our ears and open our hearts this week, we know that you have given us the authority and we need to walk in and exude your power every day of our lives, and we give you all the Glory, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

He Is Your Strength

The world would have you believe that it is your strength that is going to create the success in life and all the achievement that happens. But King David knew better. Your encouragement and strength is not coming from you, or your friends, or even temporary recognition that you may receive from succeeding.

The Strength of God is the supernatural power source of all that we achieve and ever will achieve. Our praise and prayers are connected to an unseen power that is beyond comprehension and beyond all words, for God is beyond thought.

Are you relying on a weaker world for your success in life? Are you leaning on a weaker power for strength? That is the source of much struggle in life-our own power. Your Success power lies in God's Power, as He gives you the strength you need. Ask God to pour His strength into your strength, and ask Him to touch you with His encouraging Word and Grace. He will empower you with success that endures...not success that disappears.

Understand this: You have tremendous ability - but with God - you have a Supernatural ability. His ability to work through you on any task or project enlarges your ability to succeed beyond measure. Quit looking at your abilities that you think you don't have, and start looking at the Supernatural Ability that God has! He is there beside you- silently helping you in immeasurable ways to enlarge your own abilities!!

Jesus understood timing. God's Timing is Perfect. Our timing is not. And many times we may be praying for something but we don't get an answer, nor receive it. Maybe your hour for that result, client, appointment, or sale has not yet come.

Many successful people had to wait until their hour was at hand, before the blessings showed up. But they proved to God they were willing to press in, and continue the battle for success. They knew their hour would come. So will yours!

But look at God's supernatural timing, not your clock or watch. His carries the blessings and success - His success - you just have to press in and NOT GIVE UP- until His timing becomes yours, and success floods your life like a river.

We also need to be putting ourselves in a position to receive

Have you ever gotten discouraged or frustrated by the apparent lack of results when you pray?

We’ve all been told our blessing is coming. We’ve gotten excited; preachers have promised us it’s coming. But friends, let’s face it – there are more people who don’t receive what they’ve prayed for than those who do.

What’s the problem then?
Many Christians have prayed, tried, and cried because they haven’t seen any results. They have just given up on expecting much from God. Others blindly expect the moon but have no idea that we have as much to do our part.

I Corinthians 3:9 says we are co-workers with Him! Our relationships with God should be like any other good relationship – it’s a partnership. You have a part, and God has a part.

We can be sure that God will keep His part of the deal since He is unchanging, never fails to keep His promises, and He is not a respecter of persons (which means He has no favorites!).

So, if there is a failure and we don’t get results – the problem HAS to be on our side of the deal!

What we fail to understand is that almost all of His promises are conditional. We will receive what He has for us – when WE do our part. Results depend on some choices we make and some actions we take.

What has to happen?

Let’s get some answers! What is our part?

1. Believe that receiving your full inheritance from God is as important to Him as it is to you. In Acts 26:17-18, Jesus told Paul to “Teach people to receive forgiveness of sins and their inheritance.” You see, we have all believed it’s the will of God and it’s essential to receive forgiveness of sins, but did you know Jesus said it’s just as much His will for you to receive your inheritance? We must believe it’s His will and His desire for us to receive everything He has for us.

2. Ask God for the thing you need and desire. Be specific! If you need an unsaved loved one saved, be specific – name that person to God. Jesus said in John 16:24, “Ask and you shall receive.” James 4:2 says, “You have not because you ask not.”

3. Be sure you’re asking for the right things. James 4:3 says, “You ask and do not receive because you ask amiss.” He tells us that when we miss the mark in what we ask for, we will not receive.

How can we be sure of the right things to ask for?

A. Is it good? (Every good gift comes from God. James 1:17 )

B. Is it in the Word of God? Can you find two or three Scriptures to support what it is you’re asking for? John said in I John 5:14, “If we ask anything according to the will of God, He hears us....” The Word of God is the will of God. A will is a testament – it is a list of promises that a person who dies leaves for his loved one. When Jesus died, all His promises became legally available to us. The promises in His Word are His will. His will is not a mystery as so many Christians have thought.

C. Are you capable of being responsible with it when it comes? This point is so very important. If I ask God for one million dollars for a business idea that will help millions of people, I am fooling myself if I expect to receive it while I have been irresponsible and unwise with the $1,000 that I have already received.

Many people want to jump from $10 faith to $10 million faith, and it doesn’t work that way. You have to be faithful so God can give you more. If my ten-year old son asked me for a car – as much as I want to give it to him, I can’t because he’s not ready for it. Even if he were 16, I wouldn’t necessarily give it to him, unless he had been faithful with his bicycle! Did he take care of it? Did he keep it clean? Had he been reckless with it? If he had, why would I think he would act any differently toward more my car?

This is called faithful stewardship and is mandatory if you want to receive the blessing of the Lord. Proverbs 28:20 says “A faithful man will abound with blessing.” You can’t give a loaded gun to a child – and quite literally much of our failure to receive has to do with the immaturity in our lives. If we’re acting like spiritual babies – not controlling our tongues, sinning all the time, or are irresponsible with our stuff – God will not be able to entrust us with more. It would be poor stewardship on His part.

But the good news is we don’t have to stay babies...we can grow up. How?

I. Control our mouth and words. Make sure that the things that come out of our mouths line up with God’s Word (James 3:2).

II. Be thankful in everything. Grumbling and complaining is one of the chief reasons the children of Israel did not enter the Promise Land (I Corinthians 10:10 ).

III. Be responsible now for our lives, our money, our bodies, and our possessions. Be good stewards of the things we already have (Luke 12:42 ). Don’t expect God to give you more until you care for what you have!

IV. Now, once we have asked according to God’s will…
The next thing we need to do is…

4. Believe you received it the moment you ask, no matter what you see or feel (Mark 11:24 ). This is walking by faith, not by sight (II Corinthians 5-7). You have to break the habit of only believing something when you see it. You must see what is invisible NOW and believe that it is yours – just as a pregnant woman knows there’s a baby in her womb because she has received the seed. And the doctor has confirmed there is life inside – she hasn’t seen anything – but it’s there. She knows it’s there.

5. That leads to the next critical ingredient. Luke 6:38 says, “Give and you shall receive.” Your seed is so vital to receiving what it is you have asked for. Galatians 6:7 says, “Let no one be deceived, whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap.” We must take action if we want to see results. James 2:20 declares “Faith without works is dead.” Again, let me remind you, Abraham demonstrated his faith by the offering of his son. While it is obvious God is not requiring your son of you, the principle is the same.

We must back up our need with some seed – an offering! Not just any old offering, but one that is valuable to us. Plant a financial seed toward the need you have. You may ask, “What if the need isn’t financial? Why would I plant a financial seed for a spiritual or emotional need?” Simply because money is a proof of trust. God doesn’t need your money. But, when you give, it shows God He can trust you because you can let go of one of the most valuable things you have.
An example of this is the widow in Elijah’s day who gave financial seed and reaped the miraculous harvest of her son’s resurrection from the dead (I Kings 17).

Remember, though, God can’t give you something He doesn’t have. He doesn’t have poverty, sickness, disease, and sadness so don’t bother asking Him for any of those.

I have some questions for you this morning.

1) What do you want?

2) Are you willing to stretch for it with thy hand?

3) Do you believe God is able?

4) Where is your treasure?

5) What is your greatest obstacle?

5 additional questions to ask people and every single person can benefit from answering these:

1) What are you seeking?

2) Who is your shepherd? Who do you follow?

3) What is one thing that is overflowing in your life?

4) What’s been your most recent valley experience? What did you learn from it?

5) What is your greatest fear and why?

God has assignments for you in the marketplace that will not only bless you but help bring forth His will in the lives of your prospects. Everywhere you go, you are in fact a carrier of the Holy Spirit—you are on Divine assignment for the Glory of God.

How is that for a mission statement?

The greatest tool you have in your toolbox is the Holy Spirit. Take the anointing—don’t leave home without it. His Glory is your magnet for success.

Take action—go to the place where the prospects are.
Pray and expect the Lord to lead you to those who are thirsty.
When people mistreat you, you have to bless and love them. Bless them. Need to move forward and not look back.
You may never see the harvest from specific seed, but you are planting seeds in your business every day.
Worship and praise the Lord before you talk with clients.
If you are a leader, be a leader. The enemy will try to take you off course.
You must operate in the Authority of Jesus Christ at this time. Bind what needs to be bound in Jesus name.

1) Connect to God and Receive His Success Covenant

2) Declare Success and call forth angels

3) Make a forward focus covenant with your Master—do not look back

4) Prepare for business—be ready with tools

5) Take action—go to fertile place

6) Ask and Expect—of God in the Supernatural

7) Prospect and Connect—ask questions in the natural

8) Remain Quiet and Observant—listen, qualify

9) Worship Jesus for what He’s about to do, then present and testify

10) Get in front of who they know quickly

11) Tell Your story, Ask for the decision

12) Operate in His Authority—maintain control

13) Worship the Lord for your success

Feel the fear and do it anyway. One cure for fear. Action. Action cures fear.

Private Reply to Jack Weinzierl

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