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This past week's MMC in Dallas and we are one body in ChristViews: 493
Oct 31, 2006 6:17 pm This past week's MMC in Dallas and we are one body in Christ

Jack Weinzierl
Praise the Lord for the Millionaire Mindset Conference that we just
completed in Dallas, TX. Watch for updated pictures at:

====> http://picturetrail.com/jweinzierl

We have been going non stop sense the Gift of Service Wednesday. I
cannot begin to communicate everything shared and learned. Our
business is going to grow exponentially over the coming years as we
just equipped another 130 champions. All I can say as I am
beginning to gather all the nuggets received, is wow. Just
yesterday, we heard from two of the gentleman that discovered Noah's
Ark and then we had 90 people over to our home Saturday evening
for a BBQ. Then, last night, my brother just got back from Pebble Beach
with John Maxwell and he informed me his church in Detroit was sowing
$15,000 in our ministry in Dallas. Yes, for those who know me, the tears
are flowing. God is good.

This was my 4th MMC conference and it was by far the most powerful
and we probably had 130 in our worship service this morning. I am not
sure how we will top this one next Spring, but the Lord does. We
had Messianic Rabbis/brothers and sisters in Christ there and
probably dozens of denominations represented with such a sense of
unity, it is hard to explain. This is such a powerful focus as it
takes up where the church does not go in terms of long term
mentoring, accountability and equipping Christian entrepreneurs. I
EXPECTED and received something from every Millionaire Mentor and
they mostly shared how they are using their wealth as influence to
share the gospel throughout the world. Very powerful.

It is so exciting for me to see the army being raised up at
Advantage Conferences. Soft hearts, maturing in our faith, with a
resolve and commitment level, like nothing I have ever seen.

Let us ALL lead by example from this day forward. Thank you Tim for
your vision, passion, sensitivity, tough love, focus, perseverance,
generosity, and EXAMPLE.

I still have not touched on 20% of what I could. Make a commitment
right now for next Spring's MMC. As importantly, share the good
news and the Good News. I cannot even express how moving it is to
look around the room and see the folks that are there because you
invited them to the 3 Simple Steps. We are simply a tool the Lord
is using. Yeh God!

Lastly, champion Don Goldstein shared a powerful recorded message in
this morning's service and the wisdom shared based on who God is,
was just spot on! We love you Don and we EXPECT your complete
healing in Jesus precious name. For folks that were moved by Don's
words this morning, it was a call to action for ALL of us. Don't
give the enemy an entry into your thoughts and expectations.
Know whose you are and what He has promised each of us!

So, what are you going to do differently this week? What are you
going to think differently about this week? How will you work and
walk differently this week?

For those candidates out there, finish your 3 Simple Steps at:


In Service,


Jack M. Weinzierl
Advantage Conferences, LLC
817.205.9513 direct phone


Here are just a few of the testimonials sent from team members
just this morning.

It was such a honor and a blessing to have a chance to put faces to
names this weekend. I agree with Jack, it is like a wedding, one is
happy to be there and sad at the same time that there wasn't enough
time to spend with everyone.

I am like Tim today-I'm a mess! It has been a very emotional day so
far as God begins to work the messages sent through our speakers
into the deep ravines of my heart. He brought me to a passage of
scripture; Mark 10:17-30. This passage talks about a good man who
by all accounts is a good Christian asking Jesus what it would take
to follow Him. Jesus answered in love, saying, sell all you have....
As you know, the man walks away sad and doesn't take the next step.

God used Arch Bonnema's story to give me a picture of what happens
when a rich man is willing to give away everything, walk away from
everything he loves to answer the call. The specific part of his
story that showed his willingness to give it all to God was the part
where he was asked to say goodbye to his wife and family because of
the very real possibility that he would not survive the trip to
Iran. This mighty man wept openly about how that was the hardest
thing to do out of everything he did during the trip.

I love you all!

Debbie Lantz
Lewisville, TX


I arrived back in Cincinnati late Saturday evening.
Angela and I had commitments at our church first thing Sunday

I was expecting great things from this MMC and was left in awe.
I was moved by every single story from every millionaire.
I took more notes than my entire college career ( o.k. my college
career wasn't very long but you get the message).

II was typing feverishly in the Dallas airport Saturday before my
flight took off. I was trying to capture in words just what this story
meant to me.

I was sobbing not only at the MMC but at the airport as well.
I was so fired up to show this business to anyone in my path, I
found myself at Panera Bread last night at 8pm doing just that.

Step out in faith my friends.
You're ahead of a friendly tsunami.

This business is here for the long haul, changing lives one heart at
a time.

It was awesome seeing all of you in Dallas!

Sam Crowley
Cincinnati, OH

This was my first MMC. I had decided in March that I was going. I didn't quite get there as an MMCIV but was an MMCII but I couldn't let that stop me. And what a blessing. Even if I had just been there for the Strategist meeting...that in itself was so awesome. What leaders we have in this company!!!! I was thoroughly blessed by the 3 millionaires I heard. Mike Sharpe encouraged me to be more confident in pursuing the Hidden Treasures. Keresa Richardson encouraged and inspired me with her 10 companies...did I hear that right, she has 10 companies?

And she was so real with us. I wanted to spend so much more time with her picking her brain. My determination has quadrupled from this weekend. And I was so blessed to meet everyone I met...to put a face with a name on the phone. I'll treasure this until the next one!!!

I want to thank Tim and his family for being so willing and loving to start this company and make is so great and full of integrity. Thank you, Jack & Stephanie, for opening your home and sharing your wealth with us to give us a glimpse and a hope and a dream to have a house like that or whatever it is that we think is out of our reach but we now see as attainable. I was so blessed to meet Will and his family, how precious they are to share him with us as we are learning this wonderful Hidden Treasures. And I got to spend time my enroller, Eric Standlee. Did you ever guess that this "Recovering Geek" (as he calls himself) would be so funny? All this just makes it more personal now when we talk and train. And to spend time with Judy before she comes to train me was such a blessing. I'm so looking forward to working with her when she gets here. This is truly a company of lovable and real people.

I didn't get to say goodbye or give any last hugs to all my new friends so here is a goodbye hug now. I was so caught up by the singing and worship on Sunday that when I looked at my watch near the end I realized I had missed my airport shuttle and only had 20 minutes till the last one to get me to the airport on time. Running late for a flight makes me a bit nervous so I had to leave when Don began to preach. Hopefully that will be posted to the RRC and I can hear it later. So I just love you all and am thrilled to be working with such wonderful and dynamic people. Until March.....

To your prosperity & success!

Claudia Givens, Advantage Conferences Pro Rep

Mobile, AL

This was the most amazing experience of my life!
I took tons and tons of notes and each speaker
revealed wonderful nuggets of information that
had a profound effect. I cannot wait to go through
my notes again and relive and soak in the information.
Tim, each conference is better than the last!... Each
speaker was phenomenal... it was difficult to pick a
favorite. All different... all spellbinding. All with
basically the same message... nothing is easy and
consistency is the most important habit.

Two of them just got back from an expedition. Their mission
for the rest of their lives (since they have already made their
millions) is to locate lost relics that prove that the bible
is in fact filled with true stories.

They have spent millions of dollars, including satellite searches
to find the resting place of Noah's ark. And they found it!
It is resting at 13,000 feet on a mountain top in Iran. They literally
risked their lives to climb up to see it. Not only the danger of the
climb but the danger of the government and the terrorists finding
out what they were there for. They were only able to sneak out
a few small pieces of it. They have a movie coming out in the spring
that will document the expedition and their findings, leaving it
to the world to determine what they have found.

This is a huge structure, obviously hewn, petrified wood, with
sea barnacles, on a totally desolate mountain top. Usually this
mountain is covered with snow. An unusual snow melt (perhaps
the reason God is allowing some global warming) has exposed
this large and unique object.

Before this weekend there were very few people in the world that
have ever held this. We were allowed the once in a lifetime
privilege of holding a piece of what they believe to
actually be Noah's Ark. They smuggled back several pieces.
They are being tested in several independent labs.
The results so far are spectacular.

Just had to share... it was a very exciting weekend. It was
wonderful to put faces to all the amazing Christian
Entrepreneurs that are in this Marketplace Ministry.
The weekend was capped by an amazing Sunday morning
worship service. The Holy Spirit was definitely present at
the Hyatt Hotel this weekend.

What an amazing experience in every way! Thanks Tim,
Laura and Rosalyn and all the hard working folks that
made this perfect weekend possible!

And thanks Jack and Stephanie for opening up your
beautiful home to us for Dinner Saturday evening.

Love and blessings
Barbara Kardokus
Oklahoma City, OK


Hi Champions,

Wow!!!! What an awesome experience this weekend at the MMC. I am simply a different man than I was just two days ago. We are so blessed to have been included in God's plan this weekend. I was reflecting on how the whole MMC came together and realized how divine this meeting really was. The caliber of the speakers was incredible. A year ago I would have never dreamed of having lunch with Norm Miller or touching a piece of Noah’s ark. These things are completely out of the natural. I am honored to be part of such a profound ministry and looking expectantly towards supernatural, immeasurable, unimaginable growth. I am 150% sold out for A/C. We have an obligation to get this information out to the world with conviction and sustained unwavering belief. I heard several of our millionaire mentor repeat and reinforce the teaching we receive from the Bible on a regular basis from the leaders within our organization. Below are a few quotes.

Norm Miller I could visualize myself walking into the battery convention and people saying "there’s Norm Miller" "I want urgency with a long term mentality." "If I have love, peace and Joy I will have it all." "I need to find out what God wants me to do." "Seek excellence, make a plan, pray about it and submit it to God." EAB Factor Ephesians 3:20.

Mike Sharp "A winner starts with hope and finishes with courage." "Make Everyone that comes around you feel good about themselves." "People get paid to do the hard things." "There is always a since of urgency in me."

I could go on with these and I will later.

Today at the worship service the Lord gave me these words:

"I have come to this place to fill you from the outside in. I am the master and you are the servant. It is by my grace that all things I do will be accomplished through you. It is my strength, my power, and my hand that go before you. It is I AM, My Kingdom that is behind you, before you, and in you. It is my wisdom courage and strength that will sustain you. This is why you are here; it is to serve others through the strength of the spirit that is within you. Do not hesitate for my plan for your purpose is perfect and I have equipped you before all time to accomplish this purpose."

In His service,

Mike and Beth Napoli


Praise God for His Marvelous Works! I simply want to express to
everyone that attended and those who were unable to attend what I
call a "Marvelous MMC Weekend" in Dallas. It began with Mr. Norman
Miller who with his countenance, displayed a sense of determination
to accomplish above all he could ask or think (Eph 3:20). (Remember
guys, the "EAB Factor"). Once motivated by Fear of failure, now
motivated by Love, (ITim 1:5), "The goal of our instruction"
Climaxing with Arch "Ark" Bonnema who literally opened up his heart
& vision to us, allowing us to have the privilege of being some of
the first to witness the discovery of Noah's Ark! Being more than a
business conference, we experienced the backbone, the sense of
urgency, commitment,focus, and determination of these business
individuals. For the most part, nothing could be accomplished
without their faith in God! I am convinced that as Christians, it
is crucial, most essential that we walk by faith and not by sight.
We must seek God in every endeavor, each day to fulfill our purpose
in life. As entrepreneurs you can depend on what or whoever but as
Christian Entrepreneurs, we must if we're to be successful, trust
the Lord with our of our hearts & lean not to our own understanding.
This is less than a tenth of a % of what I received. There is soooo
much more! To add to that, Sunday morning I got to spend time with
our Brother, Don Goldstein as he admonished us to press forward and
be grateful for this is the best company we could have ever had the
opportunity to become involved with.

Tim, it was marvelous, I thank and appreciate all of you!

In His Grace,

Beverly Erby
Ft. Worth, TX

I stand amazed at how enriching and inspiring and simply "sweet" the recently concluded MMC was. If all I heard was Tim's dad teaching on prayer on Saturday morning, that alone would be worth the price of the conference. But there was so much more! Can you imagine an 83 year-old man starting a turkey-feeding business, and succeeding in it? Arch Bonnema's (one of the mentors) grandpa did. But not only so. He was giving 90% of his earnings to the work of the Lord at one point. Halleluiah! What an example for us here at Advantage Conferences. Father, help us to never forget this, and to aspire to do likewise.

When I consider the many enterprises our speakers have started, and are successfully running, it reminds me of how limitless the wisdom of our Father is, and that we can definitely do likewise. In Romans it is recorded: O the depths of the riches of the both the wisdom and knowledge of God!... Flesh and bones were put onto that scripture. Let's remember that our Father's wisdom is measureless, and we are his heirs.

Meeting so many of the brothers from all over the world was like a slice of heaven. The lunch buffet, specially spiced up by the female quartet music was delightful. Jack and Stephanie were good examples of how to believe to feed the multitudes. In addition, the Sunday morning worship was so rich... I had to leave to catch my flight at 11:05 A.M. And at 11:10, I was still lingering at the door as another great worship song was being sung.

I thank God, Tim Darnell, and all the people who took on leadership roles, along with all who attended. This has been the best weekend of my life.

Peace and grace are with you!

Zadoc Henry
Plantation, FL

Dear Team,

We started each day with the teachings of Tim’s Dad. He imparted much spiritual wisdom, I have shared just one gem below.

Dr. David Darnell
Let God reveal Himself to you. Don't confine Him by defining Him.

Throughout the weekend, we kept hearing the same themes. For me, it boiled down to building our foundation on these five areas. In the words of one of our Millionaire Mentor's:

Master the intangibles!!!

Trust God
We either believe our God can do it or we don't. There's nothing in between.
God's the answer for everything. Not the government or your job.
Pray for wisdom and discernment in our business. Line up our time and resources to God's Kingdom.
Any story of our success without talking about the influence of Christ in our lives is only half a story.
And, even that it is only by His grace.

Passion With a Vision
We have to have a burning passion for our business.
Find your passion, something you're willing to take risks for.
Then it will drive you to not give up and fight through the struggles.
Keep a sense of urgency on a daily basis, while having a long term vision.

Must Be Totally Sold Out
We have to KNOW beyond a shadow of doubt where God wants us to be.
We have to believe with all our heart that what we are doing is good for others.
If we are uncertain you WILL waiver at every difficulty and re-evaluate "if" we should be here and "why" we are there.
And we will be led by our emotions as we waiver. This will affect your ability to focus.
Take a stand that you will NOT quite. Only a small percentage stay the course.
Having fanaticism is beginning to approach leadership.

Focus With Intensity
This comes ONLY from being totally sold out for something that you are driven towards by our God given passion and vision.
Consider a magnifying glass. When held steady, it has amazing power. If moving (wavering), it has NO or very weak power.
Focus will give you a steady hand at the helm and keep the boat from flipping over.
Have a great positive attitude. Don't allow negative people around you and don't listen to them.
An Optimist will find opportunity in every difficulty. But a Pessimist will find difficulty in every opportunity.
Creating wealth comes through time and discipline.

Take Consistent Action
As I thought about what a privilege and blessing it was to be there, I realized that the ONLY reason I was there was because of the consistent actions of Tim and Jack.
Tim for establishing and growing the company and Jack for finding ways to reach people. They have both taken consistent action because they trust God, have passion with vision, are totally sold out and focus with intensity!

Additionally, the ONLY reason we had the opportunity to meet the mentors we met and have the experiences we had is because they too(the Mentors) have Mastered the Intangibles!

Let's do it team!!!
Judy Sterling
Allen, TX


To my Colleagues and Friends!

Thank you Laura and Rosalyn for all the work you did to organize and run this past conference.

Tim, thank you for being you, for your humor, your singing, your servants heart and more than ever your teaching and mentorship. We had a fantastic group of Christian leaders to listen to, to learn from and to aspire to without a doubt. I want to recognize you not only for bringing them to the conference but for the many hours you had to interview them and keep the focus.

A special thank you to Dr. Darnell and Don Goldstein for instruction and your message. With the many, many highlights in the conference these were two of them for me.

A big hand to all of you at the Home Office as I know that this conference and future ones take a lot of planning and preparation.

Thank you to all the ACs and their families who helped out at the desk and up on stage. It did not go unnoticed.

Thank you to all the ACs that reached out to share, to encourage and to fellowship. You were a blessing to me..

Lord your magnitude, not ours!

And yes it is that time already .., I pray for God's favor and blessing on you all as we start tomorrow to prepare for the next conference. I pray and I know that the marketing pebbles I continue to throw into the water will produce a bucket full of candidates!

With Christian Love and In His Service,

John (and Toni) Kottelenberg
Grimsby, Ontario, Canada

"Our Product is Education and Our Strength is Faith!"


Good morning team,

No, I'm not literally still on the plane, but I am still flying in my very soul from the experiences of this weekend. It was almost like we were beyond time and space and natural limits as the body of Christ came together "for such a time as this." That thought occurred to me many times this weekend and it was so manifest in what we experienced as the AC family.

I had a little panic this morning as I couldn't find my folder of pages and pages and pages of notes, looked everywhere, but then praise God there it was and I don't have to call the hotel to beg them to go on an all-out hunt! That is raw material that I need to really take to the Lord and ask Him to help prioritize, organize, and cement all that transpired for His purpose in my life and business.

I wasn't able to share on the call this morning because there were so many people just full of praise and thanksgiving who wanted to share. We could've done a 2-hour call and it wouldn't have been enough. I will be focused this week, spending a lot of time just quietly with the Lord, digesting, asking, listening, writing, reviewing, planning, trusting, praising. But I wanted to share a few immediate things with y'all today (uh oh, I think a little Texas rubbed off!).

First of all, it was so precious to me on the call this morning as different folks spoke to have a FACE and a smile and a handshake and maybe a shared meal or discussion and shared worship time to go with most of you who spoke. That means the world to me. I could’ve left after the Thursday night Strategist meeting between the powerful Christ-centered meeting (inspired job, Jack, thank you!), meeting a couple dozen reps for the first time, and the AMAZING heart-felt testimonials from the well-recognized Champions of Thursday's meeting. Honestly, I would've considered that enough blessing for having made the trip, but little did I know what was to come!

I told Tim that truly I have been promoting and marketing Advantage Conferences "through a glass darkly" for about six months because I joined right after the Orlando MMC, so this was my first MMC. I did have a strong belief from the beginning, although all I had to go on was 2nd-hand testimonials and the promotional materials we have. Strong as they are, and they certainly are, it is NOTHING like being there for yourself. I guess maybe it's like enjoying other people's children and you think children are great and you even tell other people that children are great, and then having your own -- your life and your ability to love and grow and change goes to some level you never could've imagined.

A couple take-aways are key for me, and like I said I think we all will be a very long time digesting and meditating on what we heard, learned, and experienced this weekend (was it really only a weekend?!?!) –

We all know that saying that we should work on BE-COMING the kind of person we want to attract. I want to attract the kind of person into my life and business like the people we heard on stage and the rest of you that I met this weekend, and I don’t just mean the "official" speakers. You are all Champions to me in so many different ways. I want to BE in closer fellowship with the Lord to know and do His will, I want to BE and exude the love of Christ to everyone I meet, I want to know and BE God's Word better and better and better so I can give it out, I want to BE an inspiration to people to believe in themselves because they are in Christ and can do all things through Him, I want to BE one who empowers and equips people to achieve everything God has for them, I want to BE a catalyst for change and encouragement for those who need it, and I could go on for pages. We are all in process, praise God! He isn't finished with us yet! The Author will also be the Finisher of our faith.

We heard so much about mentoring this weekend and that has really come to mean something new to me. Who do we choose to emulate? Who do we seek wisdom from? Who do we ask for advice and why? I understand better than ever in my time with AC that the conferences twice a year are the pinnacle peak experiences because of the concentration and focus for a few short days BUT I believe the truest measure of what we offer people and what we're inviting them to join us in is even more powerfully the ONGOING week to week, day to day, prayer to prayer, voice to voice, heart to heart mentoring in-between the conferences. We are truly family and we'll have those awesome family reunions periodically, and meanwhile we are the hands and feet and heart of Christ all around the world and we need each other every day. A mentor doesn't have to be someone a generation ahead of you, although it often is because of the attained wisdom and experience. A mentor could be anyone who inspires you to be better than you are because they see the potential in your life.

What was so profound to me about these multi-millionaires was their truer joy in service and excellence and ministry than in all the riches, honor and prestige the world has to offer, and they have that too but it has not distracted them or been their satisfaction. It has only enhanced their ability to give and serve and have influence for God’s eternal purposes. I think it was Arch who said "Earn all you can so you can fund ministry." These guys who have literally been before kings and presidents just sat and shared their truest hearts with us, humble and grateful for the chance to serve their Lord.

My thinking was so elevated, it's not even possible to describe. Remember when we were kids sitting on a swing and we just kind of had our heads down scuffing the dirt & rocking back & forth a little, then we start pumping a little and gain speed and altitude, and if we got someone big and strong to push us we could really soar and even go kind of weightless with how high we got? We got one heck of a push this weekend with ALL that transpired and now we are soaring and can see over the fence that used to limit our vision. Keep pumping! Lean into the Spirit (thank you for that, visual, Jordan, and for sharing your beautiful gift of music!). Lift up your eyes! Behold, He is doing a new thing!

When I get new business cards I'm going to put my title as "Change Agent." I think it’s the most descriptive and succinct way to put it. Think that might get a few questions?

Truly, there was the Truth in that room that "From everlasting to everlasting, Thou art God." Can you BELIEVE we held in our own hands a piece of Noah’s ark? We were given a powerful blessing and benediction in ancient Hebrew from Dr. Charlie. It literally gave me chills, as with my eyes closed I could imagine being back in Bible times and hearing those ancient words from the Rabbi! Thank you, Dr. Charlie, our brother through the Messiah. Can you believe that Arch and his team are next going out in faith to recover the Ark of the Covenant, lost for thousands of years, representing the very Shekinah Glory of the Lord, so that scoffers might believe because time is short! What a loving God we have to make all this possible because He is seeking to save those who are lost.

God's covenant faithfulness from generation to generation:

Dr. David Darnell, oh my goodness. The man opens his mouth and the very wisdom of the Lord pours out. I could listen to that man teach the Bible all day long. How many Bible scholars have you ever heard like that? Now we know where Tim gets his straight talking, no mincing words. May God continue to bless his life and his ministry. His son, Tim Darnell, man of passion, man of vision, man of straight talk, man who's come through the Refiner's fire and is being purified, man who was chosen before time began to lead this army into battle. May God strengthen you, encourage you, and give you great joy in your work and service, Tim. We love you and we stand with you! And precious Caleb, now third generation little Darnell man beginning his walk with his Savior. What a legacy that boy has. The angels are rejoicing as his name is written in the Book of Life! And we are too!

And meeting Will's helpmeet in the beautiful and gracious Kim, and Paige, one his daughters who will be a Mighty Prayer Warrior for her own man and children one day, Lord willing, as well as her sisters. And meeting the beautiful and hospitable Stephanie, constant love and support to one of our Champions, and seeing three little Weinzierl future Champions growing up in the atmosphere of trust, vision, and service that Jack exudes as the spiritual leader in his home. And Sam's boys were there, young men with all their future in front of them, getting this kind of input as teens. And I didn't mean to leave out Cathy and Lindy and Hannah, co-partners with Tim and so crucial for that home team support for any man of great vision.

On the plane ride home I got a vision of a Young Christian Entrepreneur's conference when we are ready to expand…why should our young people have to spend years making the mistakes that we've made? Time is short, let's get them on the right track early. Think what our children could accomplish for God's kingdom in their generation with this kind of foundation!

And that's hardly a start, but it's where I can begin. I really believe that we are in such an embryonic stage with AC right now, almost cocoon-like in the struggles and waiting in faith that have been part of the past few years to get to where we are right now, and that the struggles are what are strengthening our wing muscles (do butterfly wings have muscles? I'm not sure) so we will fly strong and true and be beautiful in His sight.

It was such a delight to spend time with each of you that I could this weekend. Till we meet again, God bless you and keep you. Here's a [[[hug]]]. Stay on the Potter's wheel. Don't jump off and go splat! We are vessels for His glory and He has a unique and highly personal use for each one of us. Submit to His loving hand as He continues to mold you.

Your grateful sister in Christ,

Becki Maxson
Rocklin, CA

Private Reply to Jack Weinzierl (new win)

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