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Due DiligenceViews: 961
Mar 02, 2007 2:48 amDue Diligence#

Jack Weinzierl
I received this from my good friend, mentor, president and founder of Advantage Conferences. This is so true. I too, have been persecuted for putting Christ first in my business. I thank God for men and women who are not afraid to do so.

The idea of doing due diligence about a business opportunity is an intellectually sound thought. However, it will predictably steer you into the exact wrong direction. How so, you are asking?

Imagine you lived in about 28 AD and you heard about a guy named Jesus from the little town of Nazareth who was coming into town. You'd heard some good things and you might have even read some manuscripts written about Him by other people.

But you want to be sure before you make your decision about Him. You want to find out if He is the 'real deal' or not. Nothing wrong with that thought process is it? So, what would your game plan be? I know, we'll go to the authorities and ask them what they think.

First, we'll ask the Romans what they think about Jesus. You immediately hear all kinds of wild things about this trouble-making fraud who was creating dissension and espousing crazy ideas. Yeah, I thought so - my suspicions are starting to be confirmed.

OK, but his letters did sound pretty good. The letters and the accounts from the Romans don't match up, which makes me a little confused. I guess I'll check out another source - the religious authorities, the Pharisees. They sure know the law and the prophets. These are smart guys with a lot of money - they'll know.

Whoa! If I thought I'd gotten an earful from the Romans, these high-ranking Jews have nothing but terrible, terrible things to say about this man, Jesus. In fact, they are spreading detestable and preposterous things about this man that makes me more confused than ever. But at the same time, how could I have been so stupid to fall for those positive letters about this guy, Jesus? The Romans and the Pharisees agree that he is a no good, self-serving criminal.

I'm just going to have to pass on this guy Jesus. He's getting bad reports from those who are in the know...

Or are they 'in the know'?

If you do a Google search on Rick Warren, Joel Osteen, Creflo Dollar, Pat Robertson, James Dobson, or virtually any man who publicly stands up for Christ, you'll find several positive entries and then a whole slew of the most awful, condemnatory articles you can imagine. The venomous demonization of these men comes with the territory and accentuates the spiritual battle that is going on daily - darkness attacking the light.

You see, Jesus was not only a man worthy of listening to; He was God, the Truth, the Way and the Light. Public opinion and statements from authorities about Him were exactly WRONG.

The statements that have been made about several modern day Saints are exactly WRONG as well. While you or I may not agree with everything they believe or stand for, they are still great men of God and are not deserving of the filth and lies that are regularly published against them.

So, whose side are you going to be on? Are you going to consult the so-called authorities, or maybe a website that attracts the least successful people on the planet who have no life other than to spread rumors and lies - and are you going to believe them? You are welcome to do so, but you'll be listening and reacting to total nonsense and non-truth.

Deceit-filled information is not Truth, though millions fall for the deception every single day. Witness Titanic's James Cameron's heretical new film that supposedly exposes our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ - are you going to believe him? It's up to you. It's the same negative message that was going on while Jesus was alive, and it's only amplified now via sophisticated technology.

Our so-called, 'authorities' are at this very moment passing legislation to ban the mention of Jesus Christ in the few places that are left where He can be talked about. This very e-mail will get blocked from a major portion of my list of subscribers because many ISPs have filters with the name above all names in their list of banned words. My own mother cannot receive the Messenger due to its filters that weed out the Messenger and classify it as "questionable".

An article came out recently about me and I knew beforehand, due to the content and purpose of the paper that published it, that it would attempt to paint me in as negative a light as possible. They did a good job - stating among a long line of ridiculous assertions that I had renounced my United States citizenship. That's a good one - I'm impressed by the creativity in their passion for destruction.

Who are you going to believe? It’s up to you, but just remember, Christianity is under attack, and the battle lines are forming. Which side will you be on?

II Timothy 3:12 states: "In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted." The apostle Paul knew. He wrote those lines from prison, arrested for standing up for Jesus.

I have no problem regarding my own persecution - being on the receiving end of lies and rumors is nothing compared to what many Christians endure every day, especially in foreign, non-Christian friendly nations. I wear the persecution as a badge of honor. At the same time, I hate to see people who profess to know Christ not have the maturity and discernment to know the difference between the Truth and lies that dominate our airways.

Several of you have made the decision that I'm a crazed derelict. You fell for the lies. You got snookered and satan is grinning from ear to ear - another triumph among many.

Due diligence? I don't think so - lies don't qualify as due diligence, they qualify as propaganda from the father of lies who is very good at his game - effectively fragmenting Christian people with deception that passes as truth. Truth it is not.

How do we retaliate? We don't. We just grow a huge business that helps people in so many ways; you would have trouble fathoming the good that is going on. And that makes me grin from ear to ear. We're winning and, by the way, if you haven't read the Book - we win in the end as well!

Thanks for reading this. I would love to hear from you.

In His Service,

Jack Weinzierl

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