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Christian Millionaire Mindset Mentors
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Heads UP!Views: 1051
Feb 15, 2007 7:30 pmHeads UP!#

Jack Weinzierl
Our next Millionaire Mindset Conference is MMC number "V" - our fifth MMC! The site for the proceedings is the opulent Omni Mandalay in Las Colinas, Texas (Irving/Dallas) June 14-17, 2007. I am excited and pleased that registrations are already pouring in. The Conference will unquestionably be packed and a sell-out within a few short weeks.

But here's the Heads UP!

Prior to this event, we will also have launched a new, God-Given component/device that will take the AC message and training across the world - the new magazine called, Givers Magazine. Filled with testimonials by uncommonly dedicated Christian Givers, the powerful inspiration provided by the content of this publication will touch hearts everywhere and spark a Giving Revolution!

Stay with me for just a moment. Mildly committed believers, which is verifiably the rule rather than the exception, are going to begin waking up to the power of Giving in their own lives. Instead of looking at Giving as a drudgery, something to avoid, people are going to begin seeing the immense power, and the amazing "release" of Giving!

The fact is, most people live with a scarcity mindset. In Slay Your Giant, Tim Darnell calls this syndrome, "living in Scared City". For those who live in Scared City, Giving is not a priority, but something that is more an obligation, a burden, and not a primary priority. "Guarding" their possessions and money becomes a default mindset and way of thinking and living. Giving, which is the essence of Christ's love and message, takes a back seat to the idea of "Protecting" our things, especially our bank accounts.

When a person trades in the "clenching" of their money mindset into a "Giving" mindset, everything about that person's life slowly, yet perceptively begins to change in nothing short of miraculous ways. Yes, miracles occur when we let go of our death grip on the funds that God has entrusted to us.

Can you see the correlation of how this applies in entrepreneurship versus the employee mentality?

Entrepreneurs give - they have to Give and Give sacrificially of their time and capital on a regular basis for an extended time in order to build a big business. Most people never grasp that concept or the power of actually doing it. They simply don't want to do it. But the secret is - they don't want to "GIVE".

Employee minded folks are all about receiving and keeping - the opposite of Giving. They are short-term thinkers, versus long-term Givers. The paradox is that the more and bigger Givers Give, the greater and bigger a success they create. This incredible miracle happens in business and it happens in the church and ministries as regards our attitudes and practices regarding Giving.

When you combine the attitude of Giving along with what actually happens with the money that success affords, we're able to detect a powerful, Godly cycle of monetary circulation that goes into motion. It is an action that creates a new powerful entity of energy. We Give and the natural progression of putting money into circulation is - we also "get". BUT NOTICE! We immediately put what we "get" back into circulation - we Give again. In other words, we "get" to "Give"!

Instead of being suspicious of people who make a lot of money, we begin to understand why it is crucially important, yes indeed obligatory, that we use our God-Give talents and potential to make greater amounts of money. Making greater amounts of money is not about buying a new BMW or a bigger house, although there's nothing wrong with those things if your priorities are firmly entrenched. No, creating greater income and then Giving more is much more fulfilling than a car or a diamond bezzled watch. Those are just "things" that will be meaningless in hours. Most people associate money with those things - wrong!

What greater income allows us to do is build orphanages, finance the children's ministry at our church, put homeless kids into homes, and educate street and garbage dump dwellers so that they can become productive to society rather than 'drains' on society.

When Christians everywhere begin waking up to the wonderful power of being successful in business and learn to applaud that concept, versus the ridiculous "rumor mill" theology of putting successful entrepreneurs down, then the Christian community will begin thriving - GENUINELY, EFFECTIVELY & RESOURCEFULLY doing God's work!

Can I Give more? You bet I can - and it's the most thrilling concept you'll ever embrace as well.

In His service,


Jack M. Weinzierl
Advantage Conferences, LLC
Christian Entrepreneur and Mentor

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